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Saturday, February 6, 2010

LOVE- The Antithesis of Valentine's Day

As I prepare myself mentally to endure the hype of yet another consumer driven holiday (Valentine's Day) I can't help but find myself, talking to myself, while standing in line at any grocery or retail store prior to a purchase. Does anyone else do this while shopping? Some of the conversations go like this: "Wow look at that big bag of Dove Dark Chocolates. Now you know you just got out the gym, don't even look over there." "But dark chocolate is better for you than any other kind of chocolate." "OMG those M&M's that are all different shades of pink are a great idea to put in a bowl on the coffee table for decoration..." "I can stand to get one bag, it's not like I buy it any other time of the year." By the time my purchases are all scanned and totaled I will have gone through 15 different conversations by myself, made three or four different life decisions on why I need to spend $4 on a bag of M&M's as opposed to the pancake mix already lying in my cart and all the while not thinking twice about just leaving the candy sitting right on the shelf, in the front of the store, with all the Valentine decorations around it making it more tempting than ever on this particular day.

Yes, I am fully aware of my weakness-being that I am a very visual person my philosophy at times is, "if I see it I have to have it," and Yes, I am guilty for caving into the trap that so many of us "typical American consumers" believe that just because it's Valentine's Day that means we have to spend more money; so I am not going to come down hard on any of you out there who may have had similar experiences with a not-so-successful ending. It is my hope and also my prayer that anyone reading this will be inspired to reflect on the true meaning of what this day is supposed to symbolize and that is LOVE. When I think about the true meaning of Love and all of the emotions and feelings that this word brings about, it's almost like four letters is not enough to really address such a BIG experience.

1 Corinthians 13 clarifies the term for me: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.

Be inspired, Be encouraged and if you don't have a mate right now--there is always Hope!

With Love On My Mind,


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