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Friday, December 11, 2009


In reverse order!!!
10. I rarely look at myself naked in the mirror. This has been a very strange area for me. Several times I've looked and changed my mind about what I see. Like, no that's not an extra roll of flesh and skin--the mirror is distorting my image. Lucky me, I'll look again in a few days and use another mirror.
9. I eat what I like, when I like, and if I like it---I really like it and i keep eating it.
8. I got confused and used the reverse order on the list of "swap this for that." Example: I thought I was supposed to eat french fries instead of baked sweet potato fries and tortilla or potato chips instead of raw carrot chips. Now this is where i really think someone did a swap on me. (I know I didn't read it wrong. It was the eating better fairy's wicked stepmother that switched the information.)
7. I sit more than I move. Some how the office setting is abusive to the body and you don't realize until after you don't have to sit at a desk for more than three quarters of your shift.
6. I drive to the store that is less than one mile from my home instead of walk. I have not used the 1 mile rule well.
5. I hit the snooze button. I hit the snooze button several times. I hit the snooze button after I get up.
4. I don't weigh myself. The scale at home is different than any other scale in whole wide world. I like my home scale, but when I go other places--the scale is always different. I wonder why?
3. I don't keep a journal of eating and exercising.
2. I do not keep healthy nutritious foods with me at all times. Well actually I do, but sometimes I forget have them.
1. I do not exercise on a consistent basis.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I thought I knew the number one reason why my butt is so big, but I had no idea others were searching for and had since found the true and ultimate answer. The internet is wonderful-just read below and you will soon discover the number one reason why my butt is so big:

    With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information and
    wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously
    cultured, educated and happy.

    Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, Good grief, look how smart I am!
