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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stay Active While Snowed In

I am sure that I am not the only one that has been extremely irritated with all of the snow that we have been getting here in the DC Metro area. I think I have watched and re-watched every movie that there is on On Demand and quite frankly, tv is starting to get on my nerves. I have also had to fight off the urge to eat myself into oblivion during this time. CABIN FEVER is no JOKE! So here are the TOP 10 hints on how to avoid goin stir crazy while snowed in this winter:

1/ Give yourself a make over and use bold colors. Take pictures and post them on FaceBook. :)
2/ Since you cannot make it out to the gym do atleast one of those aerobics classes on FitTV- I know you have it so take advantage. Besides it will make u appreciate your commercial-free work out once you get back to your gym.
3/ Make your home a place you want to be snowed in. Take this time to re-decorate. Isn't it about time you framed and hung those pictures up that have been sitting in the shoe box for the last year?
4/ Treat yourself to a long hot bath with candles- I always say I am going to do that for myself and end up never doing it because I am so busy with life outside of my home that by the time I get home I just want to sleep.
5/ Experiment with new hairstyles. I never have the time to do this-EVER- so being snowed in is the perfect opportunity. (YouTube has some neat tutorials for natural hair styles-try them).
6/ Give yourself a mani/pedi- You know you have some Hammer Time you need to address on those toes.
7/ Journal. Jounal. Journal. I don't care what it's about but get those feelings out! I tend to make lists of goals I want to accomplish in a 6 month period of time. This is a good time to get very detailed about where you want to be either financially, physically, spiritually or emotionally over the next several months. Journaling is a good time for me to meditate and reflect on life.
8/ Plan a nice meal that requires you to broaden your cooking skills- I know you have the ingredients because I saw you in the store standing in those long lines prior to the snow coming.
9/ Get the Jump Start on learning that new language you always said you wanted to learn. There are lots of free language lesson on-line.
10/ READ- it will keep your mind fresh and it will also help you avoid looking ignorant during those first-day-back-to-work conversations with others who were snowed in and decided to read to keep from having a mush brain. You know how it goes on that first day back to work after being away for a week when everybody and their mama wants to talk to you. Even those co-workers or managers who have never talked to you in the 50 yrs you have been employed there will break their necks to converse with you because they have been isolated from human contact for so long they forget how to be jerks, for that first day atleast.


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