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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Recently someone said something to me that really shook me to my core. (Now, ordinarily that doesn’t happen, as there are some factors that must exist in order for this to happen. It depends on the person, the message being provided and to what the message pertains. And, I suppose in this case, it would also depend on the precipitating events that led to this moment.)

The person that offered this message is someone I trust, who is highly competent and knowledgeable, and whom I believe possesses no malicious intentions towards me. So, when the statement was made, I really felt myself feeling sick to my stomach. And, I had to ask myself, “Why?”.  Why was I feeling this way? And, what was I supposed to do with this information? Maybe if I hadn’t believed that there was some validity to what this person had said, I would have not been so affected. Maybe if I hadn’t spent the past ten years of my life ignoring the advice and verbalized observations of others that could have saved me from heartache and pain, I would have possessed a nonchalant attitude about the statement that was made.

However, due to all of these factors, I felt sick because I knew I had to assess, determine, acknowledge and act. (In this moment, I truly understood why the adage, ”ignorance is bliss” came to exist.)  I was feeling a host of anxiety and a vast amount of stress, which had to be addressed first and foremost. So, as part of my assessment, I had to handle first things first, which involved the following:

·         Taking several deep breaths,  getting centered and focusing on the facts, not the emotions

·         Asking myself why this statement affected me so deeply and what the possible validity of it meant to my current state of existence

·         Determining the resources that I possessed and whether I would need to call upon them

·         Considering what the possible outcomes would be if this was statement was true and how I may be impacted by the reality of failure

·         Discovering the actions I may need to take and what I may need to let go

·         Realizing that even if the statement was true, I would get through it. I would survive, and I would succeed.

Then, I resolved that I needed to reminisce on the fact that the only thing that is certain in this life is the Love of God. GOD AND HIS LOVE ARE THE ONLY THINGS THAT ARE INFINITE and INFALLIBLE! It has been this very Love that brought me this far. And, it is only this Love that will see me through this process as well as the next phases and the next chapters of my life.

I hope that you too can lean upon this idea when things go awry and someone says something that throws you off your game or knocks you off your feet! If you find yourself in need of assistance in navigating this process, call us. We would be grateful to oblige on the journey.

Be Blessed,


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