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Monday, November 5, 2012

Seizing the Day for Ourselves and Our Ancestors!

When I worked for other people, I always felt like my career was waiting to happen. I would constantly contemplate what was next, as I am always forward looking and trying to learn as much as I can. It is not until now that I feel my life is finally falling into all the right places. Being blessed with the ability to relate to and help people is so profound. And, when you find sheer joy in doing whatever you love, you are truly blessed.

Earlier today, I thought of all of the struggles that my partner’s and my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents had to endure in order for the three of us to have the opportunities we have today. What we have been able to achieve today wasn’t as prevalent or achievable when they were our age. I often listen to my mom talk about being in school when integration had just started, and I know that it was an arduous and painful process for her to endure. I remember my grandmother speaking of her ability to walk on either side of the street because she was fair-skinned, but that she would do so with a sense of trepidation that someone would realize she was black.

And, now when I reminisce on their stories, they have a different meaning as a woman in a business that accomplishes more each year. Now, their stories revitalize me whenever I may feel like I want to give up. Their stories encourage me to think of new, different ways and things I can contribute to my business. Their stories reinforce the values of working hard, being gracious and treating everyone with kindness and dignity. Their stories remind me that the world really is our oyster, that all things are possible and that the opportunities are BOUNDLESS!

It is our responsibility to ensure that they didn’t endure their hardships in vain. Each and every day , we must awaken with a sense of joy, hope and purpose…knowing that  God has entrusted us with His people’s lives and businesses and that a vast number of human beings will benefit from the work we do!

Be Blessed,


Friday, October 26, 2012


It is amazing how being grateful places a new perspective on every situation. Earlier this week, I was talking to a friend who was talking about her fear of dying young. While I don't face the same health challenges as her, I have witnessed others I love face similar challenges with faith, optimism and unrelentless courage. And, the best advice, the only advice, I know for certain that works is to focus on what you do have and what can you can accomplish while you are alive. For every day that you focus on what you don’t have, you are wasting precious moments and time.

This conversation came in the midst of a very busy week here at Boundless Innovations. And, while it has been an emotional, nerve wrecking, and extremely interesting week, it is Friday; and, we stand here immensely grateful. We are grateful to have made it through a very trying week. We are grateful for being able to do good work for good people. We are grateful for God designing us as a "Force" to assist PRP's and OMHC's in designing systems to provide quality services to some of the most deserving people on the planet.

And, when we look back on how far God has brought us as individuals and as a business, we are grateful. When we realize that every hardship is an experience that can be utilized to help someone else, we are grateful. When we reflect on the clients that we have been able to assist in navigating new paths in their lives, we are grateful. Every moment we laugh, cry and feel exhilarated with a new idea, we are grateful.

However, it is not that fleeting type of gratitude; it is the type of gratitude that exists deep down in the pit of our souls...the kind that only God places within you. It is the kind that you can lean upon because you know that the grueling, present moment too shall pass. It is derived from a place that is more powerful than any of us could dare to take credit for because it comes from a source that is so magnanimous. And, so often we claim gratitude when things get awry and we feel defeated, for we know that somehow the current situation will get resolved, will blow over, or will lead us to higher ground!

Filled with gratitude,


Thursday, March 8, 2012


While I am the partner in the business who isnt a licensed therapist, I find myself constantly trying to shift my thoughts. Some may call it "CBT for the Soul". This concept of the cognitive-behavioral connection is one that I learned about 10 years ago. And, although it made a great deal of sense to me at the time (and sounded very easy to do), I have found that changing your thoughts is a very arduous, and sometimes, painful process for most of us.
Why does it seem so difficult to change our way of thinking, you ask? It, in part begins with the fact that we have been constructed by our parents, extended family, friends, communities and the world to think a certain way. Many of us have experienced the process of having certain values, cultures, and belief systems instilled in us, and each of them composes the foundation of who we are. And, much like a home, the foundation of the construction, depicts the current state of our lives.
Conversely, unlike a home, human beings possess the internal, spiritual power to re-construct their thoughts, and ultimately their lives. As an African-American woman, who was raised in a patriarchical home, with a devote baptist extended family, I possess certain ideologies about life that I work at changing everyday. And, I have found great outcomes in the last 6 months, as I have really worked at abandoning old ways of thinking and gravitating towards thoughts that keep me focused on my life purpose. Because I have found that as awesome as the brain is, it CAN NOT focus on two thoughts simultaneously. Therefore, I have to work at constantly staying focused on positive thoughts,
And, if I can do it, so can you! If you are not sure where to begin and feel like you need some help navigating this path, call us tnow. Dont waste another moment feeling like you have to subscribe to a belief system that doesnt feel natural and healthy for you. Reconstruct your thoughts, and you will begin to reconstruct your life! I know it can be done because I am living proof!
Be Blessed!