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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Intra-Racism- It's Time to End It

As the end of 2014 is approaching, I realize that there are so many issues that still exist in this world that I have been oblivious to believing. It’s so arduous for me to comprehend why and how intra-racism lives amongst black people. In a time where we have accomplished so many great things, there is still this self hatred that lives within some of us. There are still black people who believe that their worth is dictated by the color of their skin, and the length or texture of their hair.
I suppose that if you have believed something your entire life, it is difficult to let go of those thoughts that have somehow become part of your identity.  However, when you begin to analyze, dissect and critically think about the validity of those thoughts, it becomes apparent that there is no validity, there is no truth or merit to these thoughts.
I recently engaged in a conversation with a friend (a dark skinned female) who has been challenged to find her beauty within for as long as we have known each other. While I believed that this was something she struggled with growing up, it was confirmed via this conversation. Interestingly enough, she claimed to love herself and beautiful skin, yet when the opportunity presented itself, she would degrade others lighter than her via the usage of humor or sometimes overt, hurtful comments. A few months ago, I met with a client who claimed that she wished she could change the color of her skin because the kids at school call her “white girl”. She proclaimed that she couldn’t stand being called white and that due to this experience, she hates white people.
As someone who has a light skinned grandmother and mother and a dark skinned grandfather and father, I have never given any energy to believe in the disparity that allegedly exists between the two groups. I was loved by all of these people and was taught that they were all equally beautiful, equally intelligent and possessed equal value. My grandparents were born 100 years when life was very different than it is now. And, if they could believe and teach that love amongst black people was paramount during a time when the world told us different, then we can and should be able to extend that same message today. If we don’t begin to love each other from the inside out, our problems and challenges are going to become insurmountable. It begins with us, showing love, teaching self worth and self esteem, addressing our wounds at the very core so that we can help our brothers and sisters do the same.  Respect and Love, MM

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mental Heath and Heart Disease...... Start Changing Your Heart Today

As I mention in the previous blog February is Heart Month and I support and believe in the mission of the American Heart Association.   So I would like to continue discussing things related to heart health. As you know at Boundless Innovations for Holistic Living, (BIHL) we practice a holistic approach so I thought it was important to share information regarding the correlation between heart health and mental illness.  According to the (American Heart Association, 2014) research shows there could be behavioral and physiological connections to mental and heart health.  Some behaviors connected to heart disease may include an individual smoking, drinking or eating fatty comfort foods because they are feeling down.  And some physiological connections are related to biological and chemical factors that trigger mental health issues.  Barry Jacobs, Psy.D. 2014 states, “the head-heart connection should be on everyone’s radar.  It’s not just being unhappy. There are biochemical changes that predispose people to have other health problems including heart disease.”  Varying states of depression, anxiety and stress are considered to be risk factors which may impact blood pressure and heart rate.   Increased stress hormones, high levels of cortisol and high glucose levels are also factors that are associated in heart disease. 

Another correlation considered is heart disease can cause anxiety or depression.  Individuals that have heart disease may lack energy, motivation or feel too overwhelmed to pay attention to both their physical and mental health.  Therefore, it is important that individuals express how they feel both mentally and physically with their health care provider so the individual can receive appropriate treatment. 

Some things individuals may do to help eliminate or prevent some of the behavioral or physiological behaviors associated with heart health are to change your eating habits.  Diet should include things from all food groups which include fruits and vegetables, whole grain/wheat, low fat dairy, and protein emphasizing consuming more fruits and vegetables and whole grains than protein and low fat dairy.  Portion sizes should also be considered eating from a 9-10 inch plate is what is recommended.  Starting or engaging in regular physical activity is also recommended individuals should participate in moderate cardiorespiratory activity at least 3-5 times a week for 30-60 minutes.  However, individuals should start out slow.  Changes should be made gradually. Individuals should not try to do everything at once to ensure success.   In addition, individuals should also seek counseling so individuals are able to learn more effective ways to deal and manage stress and/or any other emotions.

Start Changing your Heart Today!



Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February is Heart Month

Did you know February is American Heart Month and has been every year since 1964 which began with President Johnson?”  This designation is aimed at increasing awareness that heart disease is the Nation’s No. 1 Killer, claiming more lives than all forms of cancer combined” (American Heart Association, 2014).  Did you also know February 7, 2014 was National Wear Red Day which recognizes those who struggle with Heart disease and acknowledges all the health care professionals that provide lifesaving treatments, research and advice? 

I’ve participated in a number of events to support, educate and try to raise awareness about Heart Health with the American Heart Association (AHA).  Some of those events include their Heart Walk, the annual Heart Ball and most recently the Go Red for Women Health and Fashion Show.  This organization is very important to me because I believe in their mission.  According to the American Heart Association the organization has invested more than $3.5 billion into studies the most of any entity outside the federal government and is leading the way through awareness, education and funding of medical research.

President Obama’s Administration has a few programs that help to support the AHA’s mission which include the Affordable Health Care Act which allows millions of Americans to have greater access to health care.  In 2011 the Million Hearts was launched which aims to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes by 2017 and First Lady Michelle Obama’s  Let’s Move initiative which helps young individuals to make positive choices that will keep them healthy throughout their lives.

Research and history suggest since the early 1960’s annual deaths related to cardiovascular diseases has dropped.  This can be contributed  “to adopting healthy habits – getting regular exercise; not smoking; eating diets rich in fruits and vegetables, low in salt, saturated fat, and cholesterol –  which reduces risk tremendously” (American Heart Association, 2014).  So if you haven’t done so please commit yourself to saving your heart by educating yourself. Visit the American Heart Association’s website today.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

We are Here

We, at Boundless Innovations send our prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of this horrible crime that occurred at Columbia Mall on Saturday, January 25, 2014. We also send our prayers and thoughts to those who witnessed the events on Saturday. Lastly, as mental health practitioners, our doors are open to anyone who may feel like they want to give up, is having a hard time managing his/her life, or to those who just want to talk.

We recognize that situations such as this can be prevented, and if we can be a cathartic venue to you or anyone you know, please contact us. We are here to help.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fasting in the New Year......

How many of you heard of the Daniel fast? Today was actually my first time hearing about it. Some believe pray and fasting helps to make us healthier spiritually, mentally and physically. Because I'm on this journey to become a healthier and better me I decided to investigate the Daniel Fast and here is what I found. 
It is a Biblical based partial fast guided by two Scriptures in the book of Daniel.  Daniel 1 states the Prophet ate only vegetables, fruit and drank only water.  Daniel 10 states the Prophet ate no meat, breads or foods and drank no wine for 21 days. This equates today as having no sweeteners or bread.
It is recommended to start with a personal and corporate goal.  You should ask why are you fasting?  Ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your weaknesses. Pray daily and read the Bible.  Confess your sins to God. Forgive those who offended you and ask for forgiveness.  In addition, the following scriptures are referenced and used for fasting; Mathew 6:16-18, Mathew 9:14-15, Luke 18:9-14.
If this is something you are interested in I encouraged you to look it up. There is additional and important information regarding this 21 day fast. Some information includes when you should fast, how to succeed in fasting, types of fasting, what foods to include in your diet during your fast and what foods to avoid.
Please remember to consult with a physician before you try or introduce anything different into your life and diet.  Be safe and Happy New Year!