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Friday, December 11, 2009


In reverse order!!!
10. I rarely look at myself naked in the mirror. This has been a very strange area for me. Several times I've looked and changed my mind about what I see. Like, no that's not an extra roll of flesh and skin--the mirror is distorting my image. Lucky me, I'll look again in a few days and use another mirror.
9. I eat what I like, when I like, and if I like it---I really like it and i keep eating it.
8. I got confused and used the reverse order on the list of "swap this for that." Example: I thought I was supposed to eat french fries instead of baked sweet potato fries and tortilla or potato chips instead of raw carrot chips. Now this is where i really think someone did a swap on me. (I know I didn't read it wrong. It was the eating better fairy's wicked stepmother that switched the information.)
7. I sit more than I move. Some how the office setting is abusive to the body and you don't realize until after you don't have to sit at a desk for more than three quarters of your shift.
6. I drive to the store that is less than one mile from my home instead of walk. I have not used the 1 mile rule well.
5. I hit the snooze button. I hit the snooze button several times. I hit the snooze button after I get up.
4. I don't weigh myself. The scale at home is different than any other scale in whole wide world. I like my home scale, but when I go other places--the scale is always different. I wonder why?
3. I don't keep a journal of eating and exercising.
2. I do not keep healthy nutritious foods with me at all times. Well actually I do, but sometimes I forget have them.
1. I do not exercise on a consistent basis.