Hello There. It is that time of year! As I was sitting here I started to dread going home that is to New York for the Holidays. How many of you are traveling home to see family and friends
for Thanksgiving or Christmas? Well if you are here are some helpful tips I
found on WebMD that I wanted to share with you:
ahead-use airport websites to track your flights.
Arrive early/Dress for Convenience for the
Security Check In
Know the rules for liquids 3-1-1 (all
liquids/gels/aerosol cans) 3 oz./1 quart/in 1 zip lock
Check your bags. Try not to have carry-on bags.
This allows less time in the security check in line.
Get rest before traveling. And while traveling
limit alcohol and caffeine.
Keep a positive attitude about traveling. Enjoy
the experience!
Have a safe and wonderful Holiday!