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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Embrace the New You

We are ever changing characters, evolving with each passing today. While all of us have engaged in negative experiences in life and may have done some things we wish we hadnt, we all have the chance to change. And, today I possessed the opportunity to meet someone who possessed such a beautiful, strong, yet fragile spirit. She reminded me of so many strong beautiful women who have come, and some that have gone before me. You know the kind...she may have been your grandma, or mother, auntie or girlfriend. She may have been dealt some tough cards in life but still perseveres amongst all the trials. This person reminded me that sometimes it is so arduous for us to let go of the past and of who we used to be. Although we rise after we fall and dust our shoulders off each time, a piece of the past experiences still linger in our souls. And, often, we get stuck in the shame or helplessness of who we used to be. But, the lesson to remember is that we have the autonomous power to allow the past to stay behind us and remember that today is a new day and that who we are in this moment is what matters most. Some may call it grace, mercy, blessings, etc.
Each day that we rise, we are granted the opportunity to become the best version of ourselves! So capitalize on the given day and enjoy the person you are now and reach forward to the person you are striving to become.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Study On The Natural Remedies For Your Common Health Problems


Cindy Heller

Let take a look on what conventional medicine has to offer, suppose you are sick and suffered from migraine headaches. Every time when you approach your physicians, they will certainly be helpful by giving you a diagnosis of your condition. Most likely, you\'ll also walk out of the physician\'s office with a prescription medications like Maxalt, Imitrex, and the other 'triptan-class' formulations that help you relieve the pain. The prescription medications may not work well for you, what worse some has side effects that make you just as unpleasant as having the headache. So do you have another choice of treatment?

The answer is definitely YES, perhaps it is time for you to consider trying a natural remedy. What is natural remedy? Natural Remedy is a form of unconventional medicine or alternative medicine, which is not inside the 'mainstream' of Western health care. Natural remedy has been practiced in ancient civilizations for many, many years. The healers today still collect herbs, roots, plants, minerals, and other naturally-occurring substances to relieve pain, to prevent illness and even cure some diseases. On top of this, Natural Remedy also includes acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnotherapy, acupressure and biofeedback.

Are Natural Remedies Safe?

This depends on the skill of the healers that prepares or administers it and the natural of herbal substances used. The herbal substances usually used by healers are not regulated by the FDA, and healers of the art are not licensed, no qualification or held to particular standards of practice. Most healers learn their skill by word of mouth, demonstration and well-researched books on the herbal substances.

If you follow the FDA, natural remedies or herbal substances should never be apply on serious diseases and conditions, especially if the diseases exit for a period of time. It is also must be careful when used to treat children, by nursing or pregnant mothers, or with pets. It is very important that you inform your doctors if you are using herbal substances because they may negatively interact with laboratory tests and prescription medications. If you develop unusual side effects while using nature herbal substances, stop taking them and inform your doctor.

All herbal substances should be purchased from a good reputation stores or well-known sources. Likewise, for acupuncture it should be provided by a licensed doctor, legitimate expert by the professional references from exiting patient or who can prove his or her success through personal.

Before you are using any herbal substance, do some study and ask what it contains and probably know how the ingredients work. Be especially careful when using tinctures, as it contain alcohol. So patients who have problems on chemical dependency should avoid using tinctures to treat.

It is highly not recommended to use the natural remedies for self-treating without consult an expert, doctor or done your homework. Many trustworthy companies provide instruction, CD and consultation about how to safely use their herbs products. It is beneficial for you if you can read some book on herbal medicine and natural remedies, as some of these herbs, plants and berries may be poisonous when consumed it. If you have horrible side effects from any of these forms of alternative medicine, you need to stop it and consult your doctors.

Many Useful Herbs Aid in Healing Process

Let take a look on some of this useful nature herbs that the healers always use for some treatments.


It is being used for against vomiting, nausea, and quieting irritated bowels. It is also well know as a highly touted herb for muscle and joint pain relief, and Aid in relief the pain of migraine headaches. Please take note when using ginger, if you already suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension, you should consult the doctor first as the nature of ginger also tends to raise blood pressure.

Aloe Vera plant

This is a unique plant from Africa, it has 25 pointed leaves on its body, each leaves containing a gel, which has been well known to aid in healing abrasions, burns and cuts. It is considered one of the best nature herbal for healing.

Ginkgo Biloba

Many study reported that Ginkgo Biloba has help to ease breast soreness and mood swings during episodes of PMS. It also has benefits of increasing memory, improving libido and working to treat erectile dysfunction. Ginkgo Biloba is often used as a natural healing remedy by healers.


It is a wonderful herb for your liver. If your hormones are imbalance, then your liver is over stress, and dandelion root will be beneficial for this.


This Plant is from the south Pacific. It is a member of the peppercorn family and is highly regarded as a mood enhancer. It has been found to aid in anxiety and fatigue and produce a positive feeling bordering on intoxication.


It strengthens the adrenal glands, increases energy, enhances immune function, and normalizes blood pressure. It is useful for symptoms of both physical fatigue and mental. Avoid it if you have very high hypertension (over 180/100).

Is Time To Study And Make Use Of Nature Herbs

Many of us are fed up with risky, costly and ineffective conventional medicine.

More and more people made more visits to alternative practitioners than to primary care physicians. Furthermore, preventing disease is less costly than curing. Many of us can\'t afford the conventional medical system anymore. We need a new healing paradigm, which promotes health rather than curing disease.

Article Source:

About the Author

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit Home Natural Remedy more than 30 specific remedies, including natural remedy for rheumatoid arthritis and other natural remedy for high cholesterol.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ashwagandha - Uses and Benefits

Author: Dr John Anne

Ashwagandha or Indian winter cherry is considered one of the most important herbs in ayurvedic system of medicines. As because of its vast area of application, ayurvedic physicians have used it extensively in curing people from their ailments. Due to its properties it has gained lots of respect in the eyes of herbal healers.

Ashwagandha is biologically known as Withania somnifera. It is a shrub, normally found everywhere in India especially in northwestern part of the sub continent, but is now a days cultivated in fields because of its great commercial demand. Plant size varies from 1-5 ft. Plant part used is root. It derives its named "ashwagandha" because of two reasons. First reason is that its root smells like horse and the other reason is that it vitalizes body to provide strength just like a horse possess.

Ashwagandha is ushan virya in potency, has laghu (light) and tickt (penetrating) properties. Contains tickt, katu and madhur rasa. Due these combinations of superior properties, ashwagandha acts in numerous diseases with great results. As it is ushan virya in potency, it acts as vata suppressant. There fore relieves from all the illness caused by vata dominance. Also because of its hot potency, it opposes the rise of kapha therefore it also acts in suppressing increased and unbalanced kapha dosha. Root is found to contain biochemical like cuseohygrine, anahygrine, tropine, and anaferine etc. it also contains glycosides, withenolide with starches and amino acid. Ashwagandha is an herb with many uses.

Following are its indications:

· It is considered as most important adaptogens in ayurvedic system of medicine.

· It works in suppressing pains of any sort. It possess this property due to its ushan virya potency, which helps in eradicating vata that is the reason of initiation of pain in body.

· Good results have been seen in diseases like Amavata (rheumatoid arthritis), sandhi gata vata (Osteoarthritis), vatarakt (gout), gridhasi (sciatica) and other vata dominant diseases.

· Works as anti-inflammatory substance therefore helps in reducing swellings and restoring blood supply.

· Its local application also has tremendous results in lymphadenopathy, goiter and on any body part which is supposed to have inflammation and pain

· Possess great healing properties therefore has great effects in healing wounds and injuries

· It relieves stress due to presence of vata suppressant properties which helps in nurturing nervous system

· Helps in promoting calmness and mental satisfaction in mind due to its good penetrating powers, which helps to counter negative adaptogens.

· It helps in relieving from the feel of numbness and burning sensation in extremities.

· Helps in providing nourishment to the brain for its better function and greater ability to work.

· It is often given in a person who regularly suffers from vertigo, uncautiousness, and depression as it helps in curbing mental and physical weakness.

· Improves mental ability, helps in gaining retaining power and improves mental concentration

· Increases muscular endurance and helps in building up of stamina.

· Revitalizes body and decreases untimely fatigue caused due weak body strength accumulation of negative energies in the body.

· Works as a rasayan i.e. a substance that helps in preventing early aging and rejuvenates whole body to provide youth.

· It works as powerful immune booster that helps in fighting any foreign invasion in the body.

· Its antioxidant properties helps in avoiding symptoms of early aging

· A powerful aphrodisiac thereby helps in enhancing the sexual powers and long lasting endurance

· It also helps in increasing sperm count and also the quality of sperms.

· It gives good results in leucorrhoea, as it possesses the properties that suppress kapha.

· It is considered as one of the most commonly used herb in relieving hypertension with excellent results.

· It has also been found excellent supplement that helps in proving strength to heart muscles and keeps heart working normal

· It also possess the properties which helps it to behave as an diuretic therefore is very helpful in treating urinary tract infections (UTI)

· Wonderful remedy in increasing physical endurance is used extensively in physically weak people or people who are recovering from long illness as in case tuberculosis or surgeries.

· Good results have also been seen in upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) and in asthmatic condition with wonderful results.

Article Source:

About the Author

More about Ashwagandha for Stress, Hypertension. Also read informative Home Remedies Health Forum to discuss your health problems, share your own experience and get the most effective Home Remedies here.

Dr John Anne